Saturday, 25 December 2010

Extraordinary Christmas tree*

UGO architecture + design: christmas tree lantern

christmas tree lantern, UGO architecture + design, poland
images courtesy of UGO architecture 
+ design

 hugon kowalski of polish design studio, UGO architecture + design has sent us 
images of his latest project, 'the christmas tree lantern'. 

intended as an object that can be easily constructed, the conical object
uses common materials and processes to aid its creation. 

 a natural fabric that easily absorbs water is sewn into a cylinder, 
then soaked and hung by clothes pins from the top at which time 
a hoop of PVC piping is attached to the bottom. 
due to gravity and the below zero temperatures, the material adopts
a form that resembles a tree. the structure then sits over top of a light, 
which illuminates it in the night. to preserve the shape, 
water is occasionally sprayed over the 'tree', creating a thin layer of ice. 

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